the child themselves that can help us determine if the behavioral problems as a child can get frustrated from
child has any of these diagnoses. Sometimes, however, not being able to complete a school task. This might
we do need the help of a psychiatrist or counselor to even look like ADHD or anxiety/depression. If you are
decipher the results. A diagnosis is needed to help concerned about a learning disorder, let your physician
decide the best treatment for that child in order to help and the school know. There are a variety of tests that
them have the best resources that they need to succeed can be performed, such as an IQ test that might help
in school and home. Not all children with ADHD or diagnose a disability as the reason for a behavior.
another diagnosis will need medication but talking to There are also specialists known as Developmental
their pediatrician is the best way to start an evaluation Pediatricians that can also perform a variety of tests to
if parents have any concern. see where there might be a disability. They are also able
How do I tell if my child has learning
disabilities? What should I do if I suspect
to see if it is due to learning or due to behavior.
How can I help my child achieve and
maintain a healthy weight?
Learning disabilities can show up in many ways. One of I love making healthy lifestyle choices fun and making
the most common would be if your child is struggling sure the child is involved. Eating healthy and getting
in school with their grades or having trouble learning. regular exercise are the two key components to a
They might have problems with reading, problems with healthy weight. When it comes to eating healthy, I
math, poor memory or trouble following directions. suggest eating a rainbow of colors. The child can either
However, learning disabilities can also show up as choose a different color each week or can go in order
with the rainbow of red, orange, yellow etc. At the
start of the week, have the child go to the grocery store
with you and pick a snack out of that color that will
replace an unhealthy snack such as chips. For example,
a red week can allow the child to pick out raspberries,
strawberries, apples, red pepper, and tomatoes.
Eventually, the child is introduced to all the colors and
then the next goal is to get several colors a day. As for
exercise, have the child pick either a sport, or activity
they enjoy doing. Communities usually have sports for
children as young as 3 years old. Otherwise, enjoy time
at the park, riding a bike (with a helmet), or walking a
pet. For rainy days, try going to the library and picking
out music DVDs that the child can dance to or YouTube
children’s exercise videos. Make sure they are getting 60
minutes of exercise per day. This way, a child is enjoying
being healthy and will make it a lifestyle change. The
whole family should be involved too in order to have a
good role model and not to single the child out.
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