Parent Magazine St. Johns January 2020 | Page 18

Doctor ASK THE Introducing our new monthly feature, Ask the Doctor. Our healthcare partners will be answering your questions. To submit a question, please email [email protected]. Dr. Meredith tasks, or avoiding tasks that require ongoing mental Brazell, DO effort. Hyperactive ADHD can be diagnosed if the child Dr. Brazell is a Pediatrician at Flagler Health+ Primary Care and Pediatrics at Palencia, 120 Palencia Village Drive, Suite 107, (904) 819-3200 What should parents be looking for if they suspect their child has ADHD and what should they do if they observe these signs? is doing things such as leaving their seat unexpectedly, fidgeting with hands/feet constantly, or having difficulty waiting their turn. To be diagnosed, symptoms must be present both at school and at home. One thing to be cautious about is things that mimic ADHD, especially inattentive, such as anxiety, depression or even sleep deprivation. Hyperactive ADHD can also mimic conduct disorder or oppositional defiant disorder where a child is starting fights or lying. If there is a concern of ADHD or unknown if it is covered by other disorders, There are three different types of ADHD – inattentive, hyperactive, and then combined (inattentive and hyperactive together). Symptoms of inattentive include not paying attention to detail, difficulty organizing 16 | S T. J O H N S parent M A G A Z I N E questionnaires can be given to parents, teachers and