Parent Magazine St. Johns January 2020 | Page 14

Make a Family Vision Board for the New Year By Tiffany Doerr Guerzon A vision board — also called a dream board — is a collection of images which represent your goals and dreams for the future. These collages aren’t just pretty to look at; they also function as visualization tools. Visualization, or imagining an activity, is a powerful exercise that helps you better see and plan for your goals. By seeing a vision board regularly, you engage in a visualization exercise without even having to think about it. Plus, vision boards aren’t just for grown-ups! Creating vision boards together as a family can be a fun, inspiring activity. Not only will this project spark discussion; it’s also a great tool for both setting goals and imagining dreams. Manila file folders work well as a base for the collages because the small size takes up less space. They can also stand on a nightstand like a large greeting card. For a family board, a large 12 | S T. J O H N S parent M A G A Z I N E