Parent Magazine St. Johns January 2020 | Page 13

vocabulary. Researchers think that’s because that kids emotional well-being and can offer advice and support constantly hear parents use new words during conversation. when needed. As a result, these kids also have higher self- Higher Grades esteem and trust others more. Stronger Family Bonds These intellectual benefits carry over into academic achievement. Researchers have Finally, researchers have learned what discovered that how well kids do in school we all probably know already: eating is determined more by how often they dinner together enhances family bonds. participate in family dinners than by whether they do their Kids whose families have regular dinners homework consistently. Kids who dine regularly with their are much more likely to have good relationships with their families are twice as likely get A’s in school than those who parents and siblings. Kids say that talking, catching-up, and only do so rarely. just spending quality family time are much more important Fewer Risky Behaviors to them than what’s on the menu. Simply put, eating dinner Having family dinners is also good for kids’ of belonging to a family. Dr. Fishel puts it well: “Dinner is a emotional health. When they dine with their families, they’re much less likely to suffer from eating disorders, abuse alcohol or drugs, or experience stress and depression. Researchers believe that’s because parents who spend time with their together creates a strong sense of togetherness and feeling time to relax, recharge, laugh, tell stories and catch up on the day’s ups and downs, while developing a sense of who we are as a family.” Happy Dinner! kids at the dinner table are more in touch with their S T. J O H N S parent M A G A Z I N E | 11