W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G I N
Flagler Education?
State Fire Marshal visits
Flagler County Students
must enroll in the flagship as freshmen. In order to
complete the entire program, students must begin their
freshman year and remain in the academy through
State Fire Marshal Director Julius Halas took time during
senior year.
a visit to Flagler County on Tuesday, September 10th to
visit the students in the Flagler Palm Coast High School The lead instructor for the Fire Leadership Flagship
Fire Leadership Academy Flagship program. courses is a state-certified firefighter and a certified
Florida State Fire College instructor. Flagship coursework
He took the time to speak to the high school students focuses on leadership development, preparing students
about the importance of the fire and medical services with skills including but not limited to: fire behavior;
in a community and lauded the student’s hard work at first responder model; personal protective equipment;
such an early age and how this will help them moving use of ropes, tools, and equipment; use of fire streams;
forward. “You have the opportunity to get to know fundamentals of extinguishment and rescue procedures.
each other over these four years and build a special Students are taught the history, equipment and
bond that will last throughout your careers.” Director specialties in fire service, and become CPR certified.
Halas added, “You’ve got four years to learn this, to Clear career pathways are explored including firefighter
put your skills and knowledge to use so you’ll be better certifications, EMT coursework, associate degrees,
prepared for those first weeks on the job.” paramedic training programs, and bachelor’s degree
Chief Don Petito with Flagler County Fire Rescue is
already seeing the partnership pay dividends. “We have
two graduates from last year that are going through
the process that we are probably going to hire. And I
believe they’ll be outstanding employees.”
The Fire Leadership Flagship opened its doors to
students in January of 2017, with an inaugural class of
50 students. This flagship has continued to grow since
then, filling to capacity each year. Interested students
State Fire Marshal Director Julius Halas
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