Parent Magazine Flagler November 2019 | Page 5

FROM THE EDITOR “ G ratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” – Melody Beattie Welcome to our Giving Thanks issue. November opens the door to many important seasons and holidays – Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day and the holiday season. Amid the busy days and activities, taking a moment to think about your blessings and express your gratitude has been proven to provide a happier and healthier mental state. Take the time to stop and enjoy the life you have, not only in November and on Thanksgiving, but every day. We are happy to provide some ideas on how to turn your gratitude into action. We have assembled some volunteer opportunities in which your family can participate. This list is not all inclusive, so keep your eyes open for opportunities that fit your family’s interests and passions. If you need information about available area services and resources, or to find a volunteer opportunity or area charity, you can call the United Way at 2-1-1. It is a great resource that is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Wondering how to teach your children how to thank a veteran? This issue covers some ideas and provides a list of local resources where you can interact with veterans in our area. We want to thank Sergeant Edgar Somera, an Army veteran, and his family for agreeing to be our cover family this issue! Thank you for your service! This issue, we are premiering our Ask the Doctor column. If you have any questions or subjects that you would like to get more information on, please drop us a line at [email protected]. Your subject may be covered in a future issue. And our Giving Thanks issue would be remiss if we didn’t thank you – our readers – for your ideas, emails and interaction with Flagler Parent. We realize that you have many choices on what you read, follow and take the time to interact with, and we are so grateful to have you as a Flagler Parent parent! CONTACT US PUBLISHER Howard M. Holley Sr. EDITOR Dr. Barbara C. Holley MANAGING EDITOR Jeanne Coates ART DIRECTOR Ashlee Harrell CIRCULATION DIRECTOR Teldra Jones SALES AND MARKETING DIRECTOR Charlene “Charlie” Savidge DISTRIBUTION AND FULFILLMENT Carl Jones EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Danielle Anderson • Journalist / Writer Sabrina Crosby • Flagler County School District Jowanda Dove • Flagler School District Marina Pierre • Photographer Debbie Trask • Parent INTERESTED IN ADVERTISING? If you would like to advertise in Parent Magazine, please call 386.283.5906 or email us at [email protected] IDEAS FOR ARTICLES? Send your article ideas or provide feedback to [email protected] 520 Palm Coast Parkway SW, Suite 201 Palm Coast, FL 32137 All rights reserved. No portion of this magazine may be reproduced without the express written consent of the publisher. TouchPoint Innovative Solutions assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. @ FlaglerParentMagazine © 2019 TouchPoint Innovative Solutions. All rights reserved. [email protected] DR. BARBARA C. HOLLEY EDITOR, PARENT MAGAZINES Parent Magazine is published by TouchPoint Innovative Solutions. @ FlaglerParent @ FlaglerParentMag @ Flagler Parent Magazine Information contained in these materials are neither sponsored or endorsed by the School Board of Flagler County, its agents or its employees. F L A G L E R parent M A G A Z I N E | 3