Bobcats wore Green in to show support
for kindness on September 26th.
Observing, and Writing) are little scientists. They love
wearing their white coats and protective eye gear for
science labs! Alpha Blend is a first grade program.
Here, students use iPads to learn and operate their
Tiggly Learning Systems and Osmo Educational Games.
Kindergarten operates their flagship, Kindergarten
Engineers, as a before-school club, where students
meet with teachers to participate in STEM activities.
In addition to grade-specific flagships, BTES offers a
wide variety of clubs and activities. Our after-school
chorus performs a full-scale production in winter and
spring, and the art club creates a wide variety of
projects. The Bobcat Readers and Bobcat Junior
Readers compete in the annual Battle of the Books
competition to see which team will remember the
details of four books they have read. With each book
they read, they complete a related science project. We
also have a Play for 60 group in the fall and spring
inviting kids to stay after school twice a week, for 60
minutes of physical activity. The 6th Grade
Ambassador Leadership focuses on service to school
and community.
sixth-graders that meets after school to design and
build underwater robots. Students participate in the
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University SeaPerch
competition annually, where they must remotely
navigate their robot through an underwater obstacle
Fifth grade flagships include the HIVE, which is a
limited-paper learning environment with innovative
seating and a co-teaching model, and the Wolff Pack,
which maintains an outdoor learning space where
students learn about and use hydroponics, aquaculture,
and alternative energies (solar and wind). These
students also operate a 3-D printing station where
they write the code to print furniture for a functional
doll house each year. These students have several
after-school opportunities such as Drone Club, Botany
Club, and Science Club – they even built a
functioning hovercraft that can hover their sponsor!
FLIGHT is a third grade flagship. The classroom and
furniture are themed around all types of flight and
flying things, from bees and birds to airplanes, where
students learn about the science behind flying, and we
are hoping to grow our partnership with the
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University program at
Flagler Palm Coast High School this year. Our second
grade students in iGROW (Goals, Reading,
Belle Terre Elementary has many long-standing
traditions that involve families: Dinner with Dad in
September, the Character Walk and Superhero Dance
with local first responders in October, the Fall Festival in
November, and many others. BTES is a Positive
Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Gold
Model school. The school has a variety of Spirit Days
throughout the year in support of cancer awareness,
anti-bullying, and many other causes. It is a busy place
with many things happening all the time!
The best part of Belle Terre Elementary School is its
highly-qualified and supportive staff who pour
themselves into the lives of the Bobcat students. The
teachers work many hours customizing their classrooms,
writing grants, and designing lessons and projects that
make the school a welcoming and comfortable place of
learning. Everyone goes above and beyond to make sure
the students have the best educational experience
possible and know they are loved and respected. The
expectation for “Excellence in Everything” drives the
operation of the school.
Principal Culver reminds the
students and staff regularly,
“Dr. C loves you, and there isn’t a
thing you can do about it!”
And really, these are the things
that make the school great!
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