Parent Magazine Flagler November 2018 | Page 8

BELLE TERRE ELEMENTARY SC HOOL WHERE EXCELLENCE IS THE NORM, NOT THE EXCEPTION! by Katrina Feola, Ed. S., Assistant Principal B elle Terre Elementary is a place where students can learn and grow in a positive atmosphere. Our staff not only provides rigorous academics, but also finds ways students can have fun learning and experiencing joy, while being at school.   Each Flagler school is home to signature flagship programs, allowing students to work on special projects and hone skills needed to transition from classrooms to careers. Belle Terre Elementary School’s flagship is the “iRECS” focusing on Innovation, Robotics, Engineering, and Computer Science. BTES is also a STEAM school, comprised of science, technology, engineering, arts, and math, across all grade levels, and on “Flagship Fridays,” students engage in a fun STEAM activity. Innovation is a key factor in all flagships at BTES. Today, students are learning to be innovators in preparation for careers that currently do not exist while training to find solutions for the problems of tomorrow. Several of our classroom spaces are non-traditional settings with innovative seating options allowing for movement and comfort. The RISE program is one example, providing fourth grade students the option to utilize desks from a sitting or standing level. Three technology labs in our media center (FLOAT, Sandbox, and Evolve) have seating that allows for mobility, as well as individual and group seating. All fourth grade classrooms have choice seating options which include a variety of seats from yoga balls, low and high mesh chairs, rocking disks, and others. All of our students rotate through several innovative, school-wide flagships. Musical engineering in the LIME Lab (Learning and Innovation via Musical Engineering) engages students in learning about all types of music and musical instruments, and teaches them how to write music, using technology, and is the only program of its type in Flagler County. BTES is fortunate to maintain an additional music and art class for all students. In the FOCUS Lab (Finding Original, Creative, Unique Solutions,) students learn to keyboard, be responsible digital citizens, and use technology, to enhance learning. Students in grades five and six complete the curriculum and sit for the Career and Technical Education Exams (CTE) in Digital Tools and Multimedia Essentials. Falcontech Robotics is the sixth grade flagship which incorporates building robots, writing code to guide the robots’ actions, and demonstrating the capabilities of the robots. SeaPerch is a club for 6 | FL AGLER parent MAGAZINE The Paws to Read program visited the FLOAT lab to read with students.