other people and situations . If you feel beholding to everyone and everything , maybe you have forgotten how to let the world spin on without your input . Sometimes we need to be reminded that the world will keep spinning without our expert micro-managing . Today , just tackle what ’ s already on your plate .
Repeat : I am only responsible for what I choose to take on .
8 . My Example Inspires . You matter . Often we look for role models without remembering that we are all setting an example , for better or for worse , every day . Sacrificing self is not a requirement ; it ’ s an unhealthy habit that needs to be broken . If you relentlessly practice self-sacrifice , then that ’ s the legacy you pass along . You are all called to be an example for someone . Start with what you want to embody for your children and family and then move on to the rest of the world from there .
Repeat : I strive to be a person I would admire . traditional mindset and you like routine , it may take courage to embrace the idea of life as a continual evolution . But if you start by looking forward to tomorrow and can simply let it be different from today , you will enjoy the journey instead of resisting it . If you want to raise brave , optimistic , adventurous children , you are going to have to be brave , optimistic and adventurous yourself .
Repeat : I look forward to every day of the future .
10 . I Appreciate This Moment . Of course , we all want to live as long as possible . But we never know how long we are going to be here . Rather than worry about it too much , why not just embrace today ? Happiness in this moment isn ’ t about how much money you make , what you look like or what kind of car you drive . It ’ s not about how clean your home is , your waistline or what grades your kids are earning . Enjoying the moment is about finding something to appreciate right here , right now and sharing that joy with whoever is right in front of us .
9 . Tomorrow Is Going To Be Great . Things don ’ t stay the same , so it ’ s important to expect life to be an adventure in growth and change . If you have a very
Repeat : I surrender to the joy of this moment .