1 . I Am Allowed To Say ‘ No Thanks .” If you feel harried and hectic , running from one family activity to the next , you may have forgotten how to bow out gracefully . All you likely need is a little practice in the no thank you department . Once you get back in the habit of weighing and measuring before you commit , your schedule will calm down and you can better choose how to divide and conquer your time . Just remember , in times of distress , the cure is often the shortest word you know .
4 . Home Is Sacred . Creating a safe , secure , stress-free home helps everyone in the family feel more loved and loving . Undercurrents of strife can undermine a family ’ s need for relaxation and rejuvenation . Try to make your home a relaxing respite where everyone feels welcome and appreciated . Then family members can carry that feeling of sacred space out into the world when they leave home , too .
Repeat : There is nowhere as precious as home .
Repeat : Sometimes I say , ‘ yes ,’ and sometimes I say , ‘ no .’
2 . My Health & Energy Matter . Expect to feel happy and healthy every day . And if you don ’ t , seek solutions and improvements immediately . If you are not feeling your best , don ’ t ignore niggling symptoms . Maybe a small adjustment in diet and exercise is all that is needed . Or maybe you need to consult with a health care professional . If you carry invisible hurts from the past , you owe it to yourself and others to seek healing support .
Repeat : I take care of health concerns in a timely manner .
3 . Oops , I Am Not Perfect . If you are putting yourself under too much pressure or believe that others are holding you up to impossibly high standards , you may have trouble accepting yourself as you are . You are human , so naturally , you will sometimes make mistakes . Forgive yourself for past errors in judgment or action , make amends with others swiftly as needed , and resist the tendency to be too hard on yourself . A penchant for self-recrimination will hurt you in the long run .
Repeat : I am human ; therefore , I make mistakes .
5 . I Keep in Touch With My Needs . Are you feeling fuzzy and muddled , as though you are not really certain what matters and what doesn ’ t ? If you can ’ t remember the last time you did anything for yourself , then it ’ s time . Making space for yourself is not selfish ; it ’ s necessary . When you spend time doing things you enjoy , your energy goes up . For caregivers , it takes conviction to carve out time for self-expression ; otherwise , it inevitably falls to the bottom of the priority list .
Repeat : I make regular time for myself .
6 . My Voice Counts . Sometimes we convince ourselves that our opinion does not matter before we have even had a chance to share it . The truth is that everyone ’ s opinion matters , ours just as much as anyone ’ s . Sometimes it ’ s hard to share what you think , especially if your opinion goes against the grain , and speaking up is a risk that ’ s always worth taking .
Repeat : My opinion deserves to be expressed and considered .
7 . Acceptance Is Sanity . Practice accepting situations and others as they are . When things don ’ t work out the way you ’ d like , remember that we can ’ t ultimately control
MAY 2022 | 11