PARENT GUIDE 2025 | Page 7


As a parent you have the best and most important role at the competition ! You are there to support your athlete . The coaches coach and the athlete needs to focus on his or her performance . You are in charge of enjoying being a mom or a dad !
Here are some things to consider on competition day :
DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOUR CHILD IS WHEN HE OR SHE IS NOT WITH HIS / HER TEAM ? Safety is our number one concern and knowing who is overseeing your athlete throughout the day is your responsibility . Ask your club owner to provide you with their protocol for competition day safety .
ENCOURAGE YOUR ATHLETE BEFORE HE / SHE PERFORMS . Try to refrain from referencing specific skills , fears or the routine . Your athlete needs a reminder of your unconditional love and support .
SHOW YOUR LOVE AND PRIDE after he or she performs and after an awards ceremony . Regardless of performance or results , try to focus on the way your athlete makes you feel when he or she performs . Recognize your athlete ’ s hard work in preparation for this day , not just her hard work on the competition stage . Remember that NO ONE rivals the intensity and passion with which you love your child . So he or she needs your unconditional love and support all day ! This is your day to celebrate the gift that is your child ! The coach is the one to provide the technical overview of the performance . What they need most from you is a hug !