PARENT GUIDE 2025 | Page 6




The key to your role at the gym or studio is knowledge ! The most common disconnect between parents and coaches / club owners stems from not understanding how or why things are done .
ASK QUESTIONS ! If you don ’ t know why your athlete is being asked to do a certain drill , why he or she has a certain position in the routine , or even why they are asked to wear a certain outfit , just ask . Direct and honest lines of communication between parent and coach are so important . You may even encourage your athlete to ask their own questions . This serves a dual purpose — you ’ re getting answers and your child is learning how to communicate with persons of authority . Asking questions and sharing concerns in positive ways will create a support system where coach , club owner and parent are all on a united front .
TRUST . The coaches and club owners have a lot of experience in the field of cheer or dance , so it ’ s often best to trust their decisions and methods . Being a parent in the industry is a difficult role because it ’ s all about knowing when to trust and when to question . That ’ s something only you know and it could be different from parent to parent .
STAY POSITIVE . The sport of cheer and dance takes a lot of hard work ! When your athlete comes to you during or after a practice , congratulate her , praise him and show your interest in his or her progress . Your child most likely seeks approval from you more than anyone else . With so many corrections coming from the coaches ( the experts ), you should continue being your child ’ s strongest ally !
UNDERSTAND AND FOLLOW CLUB GUIDELINES . Most clubs have a code of conduct . When all parents follow this code , the club runs smoothly and your child will be able to benefit fully from it . Again , if you don ’ t understand a guideline , just ask !