PARENT GUIDE 2025 | Page 35

Your digital reputation will follow you forever , in sports and in life . Make sure anything you post or share is something you want attached to your name forever .
• The more you use digital devices and put yourself out there publicly , the more likely it is that you will encounter problems or unexpected consequences .
• Images that highlight an individual ’ s flexibility and show private parts , even when clothed , are known to be highly sought after and more easily photo-shopped / manipulated by those with ill intent than group or wide-angle shots of similar skills . If you opt to post a photo of a skill , be sure the picture is taken from an angle that does not allow for the manipulation of the photo .
• Having friends or followers online that you don ’ t know can be dangerous . Know the risks . Predators will friend people and pretend to be someone else to establish a relationship and trust .
• Your digital reputation will follow you forever , in sports and in life . Make sure anything you post or share is something you want attached to your name FOREVER .
• Athletes and parents are an integral part of the efforts to protect athlete .
• Education is the key to empowering one another as we navigate our interconnected global world .
Athletes and parents are an integral part of the efforts to protect athlete . Education is the key to empowering one another as we navigate our interconnected global world . If you ’ re looking for resources on keeping your athlete safe , please visit ATHLETES 1st .