PARENT GUIDE 2025 | Page 34

Use your social platform to be an ambassador of the sport . Ask yourself these questions before you post :
1 . Is it age-appropriate ? 2 . Is it athletic ?
3 . What does it amplify ?
Your digital reputation will follow you forever , in sports and in life . Make sure anything you post or share is something you want attached to your name forever . SOCIAL MEDIA TIPS
• Post photos with friends instead of selfies to minimize others capturing your photo and manipulating it for exploitative purposes .
• Share images that are viewed as athletic or artistic and include context to help deliver the intended message . ( ie , # Strong , # Determined , # Focused ) Posting pictures without context opens the door for manipulation of the photo .
• Amplify the athleticism and artistry of All Star and ensure picture selections are age appropriate .
Telling a safe adult about something unsafe that is happening , or that happened in the past , to get you or someone else help is called REPORTING .
• Report harassment or stalking to local law enforcement .
• Reporting unsafe behaviors is important . Sometimes , teens think that telling is snitching , but if you are reporting red flags , it is not .
• Report images or exploitation to the CYBERTIPLINE : 800-843-5678 .
• Report inappropriate content , such as bullying , hate speech , obscenity , to the social media platform AND block the poster .
Other digital dangers related to online predators include , but are not limited to :
• receipt of private or direct messages from someone you do not know ;
• anyone asking for your personal information ;
• someone pretending to be someone they are not ;
• seeing a website or post with inappropriate or explicit pictures or of someone hurting another person ;
• receipt of an inappropriate picture ; and
• exploitation of minors online .
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children missingkids . org REPORT IT 24-HOUR HOTLINE cybertipline . org 800-843-5678
Use the CYBERTIPLINE to report child sexual exploitation . Reports may be made 24 hours a day , 7 days a week .