P.A.R.C. Mag Issue # 2 | Page 74

The risk factors include obesity, heredity, and being over the age of 25. Medical treatments are delicate due to the concerns that certain medications may have on the fetus. The mother is highly monitored by the doctor and a specialized diet with limitations of sugars/carbs and daily exercise like walking may also be required. Without proper treatment, this can have devastating effects on the mother and unborn child.

With any diagnosis of diabetes whether it's type I, II, or III the patient must be monitored by a physician. It is imperative to get blood work and a physical completed every six months, maintain a healthy weight/diet and take medications as prescribed. Knowing your health status is important to a healthy lifestyle and mortality rate.


Farmer, Andrew, and Andrew Farmer. "SMS Supporting Treatment for People with Type 2 Diabetes." Http://isrctn.com/ (n.d.): n. pag. Web.

Frazier, Margaret Schell., and Jeanette Drzymkowski. Essentials of Human Diseases and Conditions. Saint Louis: Elsevier Health Sciences, 2012. Print.

Get a physical and blood work done to know your health status