P.A.R.C. Mag Issue # 2 | Page 66

P.A.R.C Mag: What prompted your trip? How did it start? Was it a bucket list item or long term goal that you both had?

Angela: "Yes, we love traveling so that's something that we've always wanted to do. We just wanted to travel and see as many places as possible. On the day I finished college we spoke about traveling to Europe."

Chris: "With my job I can work from anywhere and I just need to have an internet connection. We thought that this was the perfect time to just take a trip and so we packed up some of our things and then we sold pretty much everything else. We kept just the important things those things stayed in a box in my parent's attic.

Angela: "We traveled with no real plan, we knew that I had family and friends in England, but otherwise we just kind of started booking things. Like for example, we would be in Paris booking our next trip to go to Italy for a month or so. We booked trips as they came along. It was a lot of fun. At one point we even ended up in Bucharest Romania and we were there for two weeks."

P.A.R.C. Mag: What were some of the eateries or delicious foods that you enjoyed? What was your favorite? Least favorite?

Angela: "An Indian restaurant in Munich called Sitar. To this day, I still mention it to Chris whenever we go out to get Indian food because it was just so delicious. Being in Munich around Christmas time, it was the only place that was open and it was right down the street from the apartment where we stayed. For the next three nights in a row, we ended up eating there."

"Things will always work out if you are open to change."