P.A.R.C. Mag Issue # 2 | Page 29

With the Christmas holiday approaching, some of you may be in a mad dash to get your home, dinner party, outfit and traveling schedules in order for the festive occasion. Want to be Christmas rock star this year? Impress your friends and family by learning to work smarter not harder. Just three simple steps will help you get ready.





1. Organize your home by putting old things in storage boxes. Summer clothing should be put away to make space for your winter wardrobe.

2. Do a little house cleaning by getting rid of cluttered spaces so that guests can have a clean, airy space to stay.

3. Sort through grandma's recipes and pick your faves for your holiday dinner.

4. Take a look through the refrigerator and pantry for expired food prior to holiday grocery shopping. Out with the old and in with the new.


1. Making lists are a great way of getting your thoughts and ideas on paper. It also helps you to keep track of what you'll need to survive the holidays.

2. Plan a menu. Take into consideration how many guests you'll be having.

3. Who will be staying at your home for the holidays? Is grandma taking the spare bedroom? Who is going to the hotel? You want to make sure that your guests are comfortable.

4. Who are the family and friends that you'll be visiting first, second, third?


1. We all tend to procrastinate from time to time so make the necessary phone calls to family and friends for the holidays. Verify that your flights are in order and who is picking you up from the airport.

2. Who's coming to dinner? Make sure you have a head count of those who will be attending.

3. What are you wearing? Have your outfit selected ahead of time. Wear something chic, comfortable for a host and festive.

4. Put the finishing touches on those last minute gifts and spruce up your home with pops of color. Misletoe here, a wreath there and don't forget the fine china.