P.A.R.C. Mag Issue # 2 | Page 24

Stress, according to the Oxford dictionary, is defined as “a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances.” Everyone experiences stress at some point or another due to the demands of our daily lives. The goal is to manage your stress so that it does not consume you. The physical manifestations of stress and its wearing on the body include headaches, muscle pain, fatigue, and sleeping problems, to name a few. Consistent heightened levels of stress and anxiety can shorten your life expectancy. Because we all intend to live to our highest potential, let’s explore the science of stress and some healthy techniques to mitigate it.

Many chemical reactions take place when the body responds to stress. The sympathetic nervous system generates what is commonly called, the “fight or flight” response. This means that the body shifts all of its energy toward fighting off a threat or escaping from an enemy. The sympathetic nervous system signals the adrenal glands to rapidly release the cortisol and adrenalin hormones into the body. This will cause your heart to beat faster, the blood vessels in your extremities will begin to widen and dilate, and your glucose levels

rise to provide you with energy in the emergency situation. (Association) These effects cause the body to undergo intricate chemical changes in nanoseconds. Happening repeatedly and over time, the body begins to experience wear and tear.

Unhealthy stress management techniques plague the masses of our society. Many of us handle stress by way of consumption. We consume unhealthy or dead foods, prescription drugs, recreational drugs, alcohol, tobacco, television, social media and many other toxic elements to temporarily disassociate from the root cause of the stress. Statistically, 43% of Americans take mood-altering prescription drugs regularly (Abuse). This number can lower significantly if we engage in healthier methods to improve our overall well-being. We can obtain physical, mental and spiritual relief from stress in many healthy ways that don’t cost a dime. One way that has sparked massive intrigue to practitioners across health-conscious communities around the world is Kemetic Yoga. It is the oldest practice. We may be familiar with commercial Yoga practiced today, but Kemetic Yoga differs in fact.

Kemetic Yoga is, “an ancient Egyptian system of Yoga enlightenment based upon the practices of physical movements combined with controlled deep breathing and meditation.” (Yoga) This practice goes much deeper than common Yoga because it creates conditions in which the parasympathetic nervous system activates, allowing healing through the mind and body. Deep, concentrated breathing is

Managing stress with yoga

By: Alicia Chambers