Paranormal Life June 2014 | Page 13


A Digital Voice Recorder

This is by far one of the best pieces of equipment you can own. They come with different features and at different prices, so you need to find one that is within your budget and works great for you.

Piece of advice: watch out when working this peice of equipment while hungry. The mics are built very sensitive and you might think you picked up a demonic presence when it's really your craving for a BLT.


Pen and Pads of Paper

This is simple enough. The reason you want a pen and paper is to record what is happening and the times it is happening. If you suddenly hear a noise at 2:13 in the morning, you want to be able to write it down to check the videos later. Always write down what time you start video taping. You don't want to be guessing what time it was on the video when things start to happen.


A Digital Thermometer

A digital thermometer is a tool that most paranormal researchers want to have handy because it allows you to see changes in the temperature around you. Most paranormal researchers agree that when a ghost draws energy from the air, it causes a quick drop in temperature. A digital thermometer can act as a ghost detector in that sense.. When a temperature drops, this is a great time to turn your other paranormal research electronics on and film away.