The two methods for solving a Quadratic are very different from each other. In the time I was solving the equation I noticed a lot of differences between the two mehtods that are the graphic method and the general formula. For solving the equation with the general formula the olnly thing you need to do is sustitute the values given in the equation in the formula. For solving the equation with the grapahic method the procedure is longer. First you need to use the formula for finding "H",which is the value for"X" and now there are two options: you can use another formula for finding "K" which is the value of "Y" or you can find it by sustiting the value of X in the formula. Another difference between the two methods is that the result when you solve the equation with the general formula is just the points at which the parabola touches the axis. Instead the graphic method lets you find the points for making the curve of the parabola. The two methods are very different: one is shorter and the other one is longer but it gives you a more complex result. Even though they are different at the end you get he same result no matter the method you use.