Papers-Thought Leadership Improving Outcomes Through Goal-Setting | Page 5

• Basic Rules. For Leaders, 70-80% of the evaluation should be tied to objective SMART goals; and 20-30% should be tied to organizational values and standards. For employees, 70-80% of the performance evaluation should be tied to values, standards, and job functions, with the remaining 20-30% tied to departmental goals. Each individual should not have more the 5-8 total goals, with each goal category weighted between 10-50% each. • Goal vs. Tactic. Don’t get confused. A goal is the strategic objective you seek to achieve. A tactic is the action or strategy you plan to utilize to achieve the goal. By setting goals in the right way we ensure that, when followed, the map actually leads to the exact performance outcome desired by the organization, no matter what distractions may be encountered on that journey. By setting goals in the right way we ensure that, when followed, the map actually leads to the exact performance outcome desired by the organization, no matter what distractions may be encountered on that journey. M SP E C IFI C EASU RE ABL HIEVABLE C A LEVA NT RE E T IM LY E SMART Goals 5