Papers-Thought Leadership Improving Outcomes Through Goal-Setting | Page 4

GOAL SETTING: THE RIGHT WAY Goal setting is one of the most important activities for an organization. A culture that ensures all employees understand their roles, expectations, and why they are critical to organization success often find themselves well prepared to handle the many challenges we find in healthcare today. Unfortunately, many organizations do not spend time ensuring goals are aligned well with expectations of employees, and then wonder why they aren’t achieving their organizational objectives. The steps to Best Practice Goal Setting vary, but typically include the following: We know that every discipline in our health systems is mission critical in providing patient-centered excellence. Ensuring that every team member who wears our employment badge is competent (and ultimately confident) is a supreme responsibility we face as healthcare leaders. Once those competencies are clearly outlined, then an ongoing Performance Management system is key to ensuring employees understand the importance of their work, and the quality of their performance. • Specific. A goal is specific when it provides a clear description of what is to be accomplished and is easily understood. Best Practice Goal Setting provides: • Achievable. Goals should be achievable. This does not mean that goals should be easy, but should be challenging and able to be accomplished. • Organizational direction and discipline to ensure that everyone is focused on the same objective. • Effective utilization of workforce and organizational metrics to ensure appropriate resources, and to reduce the likelihood of delays. • An opportunity for the organization to achieve an advantage over the competition. • Clarity to the workforce regarding what is expected of them. • Create goal statements. This statement describes what the organization is trying to accomplish. • Setting Goals. Many organizations utilize SMART objectives when goal setting. The utilization of this approach has been proven to align organizational strategic initiatives with goals that can be obtained. • Measurable. A goal is measurable if it is quantifiable. Typically you start with baseline data, and then set a target towards which you can progress to, as well as utilization of external benchmark data. Consistent metric ranges should be used. • Relevant. Relevant goals should be appropriate to and consistent with the mission and vision of the organization. Short term goals should also be relevant to the longer, broader goals of the organization. • Timely. Finally, a goal must be timely and include a starting and ending point. Often goals have intermediate steps, which can be assessed as the individual progresses. A culture that ensures all employees understand their roles, expectations, and why they are critical to organization success often find themselves well prepared to handle the many challenges we find in healthcare today. 4 • 800.521.0574 •