Paper The UK Strategic Investment Fund | Page 20

6.3 Ultra-Low Carbon Vehicles
T H E U K S T R A T E G I C I N V E S T M E N T F U N D – I N T E R I M R E P O R T
offshore wind testing . We have launched a second round of the offshore wind demonstration scheme to support the accelerated commercialisation of this technology .
Further to the investments around renewable energy , the Government has also announced provision of up to £ 15 million support for capital investment to establish a Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre . It will be led by a specialist university working with manufacturers from the UK nuclear supply chain on the development and production of high quality nuclear components and to achieve the necessary accreditation , skills and capabilities to supply the civil nuclear market . Rolls-Royce will play a leading role in this work , building on its longstanding capability in nuclear manufacturing .
Further support in the development of the low carbon economy is focusing on reducing energy demand . Funding is being provided to make our domestic and industrial building stock more energy efficient . £ 10 million is being invested by the Technology Strategy Board in its Low Impact Buildings Innovation Platform . This will result in increased support for the ‘ Retrofit for the Future ’ programme which will help develop and demonstrate solutions for refurbishment of entire homes that deliver deep cuts in energy use and carbon emissions .

6.3 Ultra-Low Carbon Vehicles

The development of ultra-low carbon vehicles presents a huge opportunity for the automotive industry and for the UK . There are many technologies which can potentially contribute to decarbonising road transport . While these are in various stages of development and take-up , there is potential for the UK to take a leading role in commercialising , demonstrating and manufacturing these new technologies .
There is a diverse range of technologies being developed to deliver ultra-low carbon vehicles , although plug-in hybrid electric and all-electric vehicles are expected to have a significant presence in mass markets .
The UK Government is already providing support for the development of low carbon , including electric , vehicles , for example through the Technology Strategy Board ’ s Low Carbon Vehicles Innovation Platform . Funding is also being provided to support the deployment of enabling infrastructure needed to support them and also a programme to incentivise consumers to take-up the new vehicles .
With the success of programmes supported so far , the Government has committed additional funding of up to £ 10 million for accelerated deployment