T H E U K S T R A T E G I C I N V E S T M E N T F U N D – I N T E R I M R E P O R T
Tom Delay , Chief Executive of the Carbon Trust said :
‘ These announcements are very welcome because they significantly reduce investment risk , make some clear choices on UK technology advantage , and tackle some of the key barriers to deployment . But the true test of this new clean tech industrialism is how this new policy framework drives the action and investment needed from business .’
Box C : UK-wide benefits of Wave Hub
There is scope for marine and tidal energy to contribute significantly to the UK ’ s renewable energy mix . This represents a significant economic opportunity for the UK .
These new investments will provide Britain with unparalleled marine energy testing , development and demonstration infrastructure which will reduce the technical and financial risks associated with the development of these technologies .
The investments will bring benefits across the UK , with the manufacture and development of these facilities providing opportunities throughout the supply chain .
For example , the Wave Hub investment in the South West will use suppliers from across the country . One of the first major contracts awarded by South West RDA has been secured by the Littleport based JDR Cable Systems to manufacture the cable and hub assembly for Wave Hub from their new manufacturing facility in Hartlepool . All cables including fibre optics will be subject to rigorous integration testing drawing on JDR ’ s wealth of experience in the design and manufacture of subsea cable and umbilical systems .
In addition , the government is supporting investment in offshore wind , with up to £ 120 million being made available to support a step change in the development of the offshore wind industry in the UK . This includes funding for new offshore wind manufacturing facilities in the UK ; investment in the development of nextgeneration and near-market offshore wind technologies through large scale demonstration ; and examining how to improve the UK ’ s capability in integrated