Currently Steve is switching between two Hoyt Pro Edge Elites, One is Black and the other is Snow Camo. Clifton's opinion of the snow camo bow is "amazing!"
He can't wait to get some competitions underway with it.
On the Pro Edge Elite Steve uses a 365-6 Shibuya sight, with a 39mm Beiter scope and 4x lens, choosing to shoot a large dot for 3D and target.
Stability is helped by a 32" Doinker Elite rod with a 14" siderod pointing mostly backwards. For arrows, Steve has chosen to shoot the Easton ProField for 3D as this arrow is in his expert opinion the best choice for any field shooting. For target shooting he also says you cant beat the Easton Protour with 120g Tungsten points. Lastly, to send that Easton CarbonlAluminum combination down range he uses a Carter Only and Target 4+ for competition shooting.
When the wind gets up, the Target 4+ comes out, but most of the time its the Carter Only glued to his hand.
Whats Steve Shooting?