Panorama ItalianCanadian October, 2016 October 2016 | Page 4

Una Serata in
Si realizzzano alla grande le importanti iniziative della Calabrian Benevolent Association of Ontario

CBAO Lounge all ' Humber

Il salone d ’ attesa del reparto di cardiologia nel nuovo Humber River Hospital di Wilson e Keele rechera ’ il nome di “ Calabrian Benevolent Association of Ontario Lounge ”. La inaugurazione del salone , avvenuta lo scorso 13 ottobre ha visto la partecipazione di un folto gruppo di membri dell ’ organizzazione caritatevole calabrese e simpatizzanti . La CBAO fu creata infatti nel 2013 , su iniziativa di Fausto Gaudio , presidente e CEO della IC Savings e del Comm Ralph Chiodo , “ chair ” della IC Foundation , per contribuire alla raccolta di fondi a favore del nuovo Humber River Hospital . In quell ’ occasione , grazie alla generosita ’ di un gruppo di uomini d ’ affari di origine calabrese , nel giro di poche ore fu raccolta e superata la cifra di mezzo milione di dollari gia ’ programmata . Conclusa l ’ operazione Humber River Hospital , la CBAO , consapevole del fatto che senza un aiuto necessario e
Nella foto , da sin .: Ralph Ciccia , Tony Cosentino , Nick Ierfino , Fausto Gaudio , Gesualdo Mastruzzo e Umberto Tarzia scoprono la targa di cui sopra .
specializzato , l ’ occuparsi di persone anziane colpite da demenzia presenta notevoli difficolta ’ nelle famiglie , diede inizio ad un nuovo progetto a favore degli anziani : the “ Seniors Day Program ” programma diurno ideato per andare incontro alle necessita ’ di anziani italiani della GTA afflitti da demenzia . I locali di accoglienza , siti nell ’ angolo south-west di Islington e l ’ HWY # 7 , offerti gratuitamente dalla famiglia Chiodo . Fondi
iniziali necessari per l ’ impresa furono acquisiti durante una grandiosa sera “ fundraiser ” nel novembre del 2015 . Il Senior Day Program , gestito dalla CBAO in collaborazione con il COSTI e sotto la direzione del dottor Giovanni Marotta specializzato in medicina geriatrica si avvale di personale specializzato ed opera in ambiente appositamente creato , stabilendo modalita ’ di cura e assistenza per anziani di lingua italiana durante il giorno . Il programma e ’ attualmente operante e ospita una ventina di anziani affetti da demenzia . Una prossima Serata in Calabria “ fundraiser ” si svolgera ’ il 10 novembre prossimo presso i saloni di Fontana Primavera Event Centre in Vaughan . Per ulteriori informazioni contattare Mary at ( 905 ) 605-5331 or
Una Serata in


The potential redevelopment of " Consolato Generale d ' Italia a Toronto

Presented by
The Consulate General of Italy in partnership with the Canadian Italian Business and Professional Association ( CIBPA ) of Toronto will review the feasibility and any alternative options related to the potential redevelopment of the property located at 136 Beverley Street in Toronto , historically known as „ Chudleigh House ’.
The purpose of the potential redevelopment is to create an icon for Torontonians , preserving the historical character of the building . The intent is to establish an Italian landmark in downtown Toronto to showcase Italy and benefit Italians and Canadians of Italian origin living in Toronto , and more broadly in the rest of Ontario and Canada , as well as consolidating the institutional presence of the Italian Government under one roof in a state-of-the-art facility , while housing other organizations of the Italian and Italian-Canadian Community as well . In order to assist with the process and review all possible options the Consulate and CIBPA have appointed an Advisory Committee . The Advisory Committee is chaired by Former Supreme Court of Canada
Justice , The Honourable Frank Iacobucci C . C . Q . C ., and consists of Mr . Sam Ciccolini , Co-CEO of Masters Insurance ; Mrs . Julie Di Lorenzo , President of Diamante Development Corporation ; The Honourable Retired Senator Consiglio Di Nino ; Anthony Lacavera , Founder and Chairman of Globalive Holdings ; Mr . John Ruffolo , CEO of Omers Ventures . During the process , the Consulate and CIBPA will be hosting public consultations . For further information related to the initiative , please visit the Consulate ' s website , www . constoronto . esteri . it . Chudleigh House George Lissant Beardmore , a prosperous tanner , built the house , named for his birthplace , in 1871-72 , with additions and alterations by architect Eden Smith in 1890 . His son , George Wathen Beardmore ,
occupied the house until his death . In 1936 it was purchased by Toronto Casa d Italia Limited for use as the Italian Consulate . The property was confiscated by and transferred to the Government of Canada in 1941 , and , for almost twenty years , the building served as a barracks for the R . C . M . P .. On July 6 , 1955 , the Canadian Government transferred the property to representatives of the local Italian Community in trust and for the benefit of the said Community . On December 21 , 1960 , these representatives who were members of the Canadian Italian Business and Professional Association ( CIBPA ) transferred the property to the Consul General of Italy in Toronto in trust for the Italian Republic retaining priority rights in the event the Consul General of Italy wished to sell or lease the property . Between
1962 and 1977 the building housed COSTI ( Centro Organizzativo Scuole Tecniche Italiane ) and in 1979 , after an extensive renovation , “ Chudleigh ” again became the home of
s Italian Consulate and has
been used as such ever since . About the Organizations The Consulate General of Italy in Toronto is an office of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation . The Consulate protects the interests of Italians living in Ontario , Manitoba and Northwest Territories and provides services and resources to Italian citizens . The Consulate also promotes bilateral trade , Italian culture and language , as well as bilateral scientific cooperation and intercultural exchange . The Canadian Italian Business and Professional Association of Toronto ( CIBPA ) is a non-profit member organization founded in 1952 . Since then , it has earned a reputation with Greater Toronto Area communities and Government for representing the interests and views of Canadians of Italian heritage .
Toronto , October 6 , 2016 Press release of Italian Consulate of Italy Toronto
4 ottobre 2016 Panorama