This comes with it another set of issues that many are not aware of when first gaining family members.
Manipulative family members. Parents seeking access at odd times or changing access plans to suit. Turning up whenever it suits them or insisting on contact and becoming abusive.
Power and control issues within the family.
Some families placing the needs and safety of the child due to loyalties with the parent at risk.
Isolateding the genetic family raising the child/ren.
Taking of sides within the family.
The needs and demands of other extended family members and their rights to contact with the child/ren.
The added costs often exceeding support payments etc.
Impact to other children in the family home or other family members such as grandchildren.
Impact to health and employment, stress and court time etc
Difficulty gaining respite (holidays or baby sitting)
Impact to personal life with greater risk of false allegations.
In some cases family caregivers have limited or non existent training or no experience with children.
Family caregiver backgrounds or criminal connections brushed aside in support of the placement. (sometimes better suited placements are pushed aside depending on the wants or perceptions of the social worker which can cause inter family conflict)
Short term relationships or poorly established relationship or relationships unable to meet the added pressure placed upon it.
Genetic family placements including Grandparents raising grandchildren