Palestine Magazine Winter Edition | Page 28

McClendon ( Top ) and Calloway ( Bottom ) guide a couple of their automotive creations along a parade route in Downtown Palestine .
“ I used to be sensitive to the negative comments with my first YouTube channel ,” Calloway said . “ But you get older and eventually it just doesn ’ t bother you anymore .”
“ Those comments can get mean ,” McClendon said . “ I just don ’ t want to read them .”
Sadly , the comment section is a part of life on social media . Even the most benign or positive content will generate unfriendly responses . The end results of the venture seem to be worth the trouble , however .
“ It was definitely a ‘ grass is always greener ’ situation ,” Mc- Clendon said . “ Turns out , the grass actually was greener for us .”
Calloway and McClendon seem to be firmly entrenched in their element . McClendon loves doing bodywork and