These guys just do what makes them happy . And they document the process
COURTESY PHOTOS Chase Calloway ( L ) and Russell McClendon share a laugh while filming a segment for their YouTube channel .
BY JASON JONES jjones @ palestineherald . com
Chase Calloway and Russell McClendon are buddies . Their friendship goes back a very long way . Far enough , in fact , that people often mistake them for brothers .
“ We ’ re not actually related ,” McClendon said . “ But I guess we ’ ve been friends so long and spent so much time together that our DNA has probably rubbed off on each other .” Friends indeed . The fact that Chase and Russell have bonded as they have over their lives seems to only lend an added level of authenticity to the bold move the two made a few years ago . It was a move that wiped the term “ leap of faith ” completely off the board .
They created “ The Journey HQ ,” and they are subsequently living their best lives .
“ What is The Journey HQ ?” You may ask . The answer is simply “ It just is .”
“ I bet we have differing opinions on how we got here ,” McClendon said .
McClendon makes the sparks fly while trimming a truck bed floor .