Pale Fire: A Magazine in 12 Projects Group Three | Page 45
MICHAEL: (to Jim) What?
Cut to Dwight, grabbing his
headset, humming a song, JIM: Nothing
Jim looks at the camera, help- [RH8]
less MICHAEL: Ok, all right. See
you later.
Cut to Jim, talking to the
camera JIM: All right, take care.
JIM: My job is to speak to cli- MICHAEL: Back to work.
ents on the phone about
quantities and type of index
Cut to Jan, entering
cards. You know, like eighty
medium-sized index cards
with the pink upper line for MICHAEL: (talking to Camera)
headings and the fourteen Corporate really doesn't inter-
light-blue lines. Whether we fere with me at all. Jan Levin-
can supply to them whether son-Gould. Jan, hello! I call her
they can pay for it and... I'm Malenkov[RH9] , right? Not to
boring myself just talking her face because, not because
about this.[RH7] I'm scared of her, because I'm
not, but yeah.
Cut to Dwight and Jim, Mi-
chael walks to them
Cut to Jan, Michael and Pam,
sitting in Michael's office