Pale Fire: A Magazine in 12 Projects Group Three | Page 43
good. How is the thing going er-on-manager. (cut to the of-
at the library? fice and cut back) All right
done deal, thank you very
JIM: Oh I told you I couldn't much sir, you're a gentleman
close on it so and a scholar. Oh, I'm sorry,
ok, I'm sorry, my mistake.
MICHAEL: So you've come to (hangs up) That was a woman
the king for guidance? [RH3] I was talking to she had
(imitating) Is this what you're a very low voice. Probably a
saying butterfly? smoker. So, so that's the way
it's done.
JIM: Actually, you called me in
Cut to Michael, walking to the
here, but yeah.
Zembla logo
MICHAEL: All right, well let me
show you how it's done. (gets Michael: (to the camera) I've
on phone, dials, lets it ring, been in Zembla for decades,
waits for someone to answer, the last four as regional man-
then hangs up) *person calls ager[RH4] . If you want to
back* Yes, I’d like to speak to come through here, (opens
your office manager please. the door to the main office) so
Yes, hello this is Michael Scott, we have the entire floor, so
I am the regional manager of this is my kingdom[RH5] , as
Zembla paper products. Just far as the eye can see, ah this
wanted to talk to you, manag- is our receptionist Pam. (goes