Tim Scholss
Fred Schultz
Hans Semelsberger
William Shatner
August 2014
Kerry “Viper” Rosenberry
Viper’s playing days go back
as far as the late 1980s
where he was part of a
woodsball team called Marion’s Raiders, based out of
Ocala. Florida. Teammates
with Wayne Dollack, the
originator of role playing
scenario games, it shouldn’t
come as a surprise that once
he moved to the Houston
area, Viper himself began
producing scenario games.
Viper’s game have been
played on the fields of EMR
Paintball, Sc Village, Camp
Blanding and all around the
U.S. but his best known annual game is Living Legends
which he has been producing
for seven years.
Tim Schloss
Tim has spent a lifetime in
paintball as owner of National Pro Shop, Pursuit Products
and he’s the one and only
person licensed to use, manufacture with, and sell Tiger
Stripe products in paintball.
Tim’s Pursuit Products was
one of the early sponsors
of teams and players in our
game supporting the likes
of Navarone, the Ironmen,
Constant Pursuit and many
more. He is also a true ambassador for paintball, especially early on when he traveled to places like Russia,
the UK and Europe promoting paintball in new regions
of the world.
Fred Schultz
The original paintball “MC,”
Fred was full of personality
and charisma, and he loved
the game and the spotlight.
Fred was the captain of California pro team Constant
Pursuit and he hosted and
played in “Paintball USA” a
made for TV paintball event
filmed on Main Street in Disney, which was huge back
then (1994). Fred also MC’d
the International Amateur
Open, general’d several big
games, and he was as nice a
guy as you will ever meet.
Lynn Scott
President/CEO of the only
publicly traded paintball
company, Brass Eagle, in the
late 1990s and VP at Crossman before that, Lynn Scott
was one of the first true
business-first executives in
paintball. He wasn’t a player turned paintball business
owner. He was a business
executive that worked his
way up the corporate ladder and ended up running
one of the largest companies
there’s ever been in paintball, acquiring several companies (like JT Paintball) for
Brass Eagle in the process.
Hans Semelsberger, Danial
Scott Jones
Hans and Danial spent the
greater part of their careers
designing and engineering paintball gear for Smart
Parts and later with GOG
Paintball. They are both the
quintessential behind the
scenes guys but there gear
can be seen on paintball
fields worldwide every weekend.
William Shatner
Late in 2001 William Shatner, the legendary “Captain