nament paintball players
could be ranked and tracked
by experience, allowing players on various skill levels to
compete on a much more
level playing field than had
ever been possible before.
While it may not be a perfect
system, the fact that someone has put years of effort
into creating paintball’s best
ranking and classification
system counts for a massive amount and the service
it has been to competitive
paintball is practically immeasurable.
ed help and Ed, former candidate for Mayor of Avondale
Estates and long-time player,
jumped in with both feet.
Now the face of “the Nation,”
Ed has made a career with
the “build it and they will
come” principal. He built it,
and built it well, and they
came by the tens of thousands. PbNation is the largest paintball related website
on the internet today and Ed
can now be seen at various
events playing with his PbNation team.
Pete “Robo” Robinson
Mike Ratko
One of the most successMike was an executive at Ac- ful players ever to pick up a
cucaps/Zap Paintballs in the
paintball gun, British player
90s where he was the force
Robo rose to international
behind the growth of the
fame when he was asked
brand. He also was instruto play for American promental in bringing the Skyfessional teams like the All
ball events to fruition and
Americans and Aftershock,
later became the Commiswith great success. Robo
sioner of the National X-Ball
later went on to coach NexLeague (NXL).
us on the international professional circuit. A writer
John Rice
with years of experience,
John Rice graduated college
Robo wrote countless artiwith a degree in metallurcles packed with opinions,
gy and spent 12 years @