Dave Freeman
Charles Gaines
Bob Gurnsey
Hayes Noel
Jeff Gallatin
August 2014
Dave Freeman, Jeff Perlmutter - Until Freeman and
Perlmutter started Pursuit
Marketing Inc. (PMI) in 1983
there was no competition in
the marketplace. PMI went
on to be an industry leader
for more than twenty years,
producing brands like Evil
and products like RP Scherer Marbalizer paintballs, still
a favorite today. PMI then
went on to merge with industry rival National Paintball
Supply and the new company became KEE Action
Sports. Beyond all of this,
Dave and Jeff were extremely influential in the 1980s
and early 90s. They sponsored events and teams are
were a driving force in tournament paintball. Dave also
owned Direct Connect in the
late 80s and early 90s.
George Funkhouser
Funkhouser’s Wolf’s Lair
(paintball field) was many
things in the early 80s, some
of them good and some not
so good. The not so good
would include the actual
name of the field. Wolf’s Lair
was Adolf Hitler