player that has been a general and XO in many scenario games around the U.S.
Some of Eric’s line of modified markers are AK-A5, AK98, Thompson A5, Browning
1919-A5 and the 1919-BAR.
Paul and Cleo Fogal
Owning one of the largest and most successful
paintball fields of both the
past and present is certainly enough to get you onto
this list. Paul and Cleo’s little paintball field, Skirmish
Rick Fairbanks
USA, covers hundreds of
Rick was the founder of the
acres of pristine Pennsyloriginal National Paintball
vania Poconos and features
Supply and the guy that ineverything from thick brush
troduced many brands and
and rolling wooded terrain
labels to the game, Proball
to villages, forts and caspaintballs being one of the
tles. Some of the biggest
many. Rick was also a very
and best known paintball
serious player in the 80s and games in the world have
90s and a huge contributor
been held at Skirmish, into events like the Internacluding several incarnations
tional Amateur Open.
of the World Record Game
and the Invasion of NormanRafe and Bart Farmer
dy scenario. Perhaps more
While Marcus Davis and his
importantly, Skirmish gets
UK Predators put the world
so many large groups and so
on notice that Americans
much recreational business
didn’t have a patent on
that they literally bus the
great tournament paintball
players in! Add to this Cleo’s
play, Rafe and Bart Farmpaintball photography spans
er’s team, Bart Studs Crew
25+ years and her work has
(one of the very early UK
been in nearly every painttournament teams) were the ball publication in the game.
first team from the UK to
head across the Atlantic to
Joe Fortin
face the U.S. super-powers
When Team Xtreme Captain
head to head on their turf.
admitted to throwing a fiThe year was 1988 and the
nal round NPPL game it was
event was the National Sur- the first time that a team
vival Games Championships made public this type of
in Nashville, TN. This opened confession—although everythe door for teams like the
one knew it was happening
Predators, NAM Wrecking
regularly. Extremely harsh
Crew and many other that
penalties are now in place if
would follow in the coming
someone if caught throwing
years. Later the Farmers put a tournament game. Joe has
together another excellent
also been a paintball field
UK team called The Eagles.
and store owner for many
years in the Atlanta, Georgia
Eric Engler
Rick Fairbanks
Rafe & Bart Farmer
Paul & Cleo Fogal
Joe Fortin