Paintball Media Magazine June 2022 | Page 24

Before woodsball became “ classic ” paintball in the late 80s and early 90s , the biggest of the mid-season events drew 30 , 35 … maybe 40 teams . At the height of the game and maybe the best of times in competitive paintball , the NPPL DC Cup , or Lively Chicago Open would draw a whopping 32-40 tenman teams — and we all thought that was amazing . And here we are in 2022 , with a global pandemic still hanging on by a thread and our economy in the incinerator , and the biggest professional paintball league , the NXL , routinely draws 200 teams or more while its sister “ classic ” paintball league , the ICPL is drawing 46 ten-man teams at the Old Bay Classic . Somehow , someway competitive paintball is thriving .
The ICPL , the International Classic Paintball League is a throwback to paintball in the 90s . While there are differences , mostly in the equipment , the game looks very much
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