Paintball Media Magazine December 2020 | Page 88

Black Tree Paintball provides recball fields with normal operations . The event was held on a large canyon like terrain with rocky foot paths and uphill fire fights . They have built small forts , bridges over small dry creeks , cars , spools , and 50 gal drums for the map layouts . Some areas of the map were large open speedball fields . Where strong battles took place and making the trip over to the new battle for photos was somewhat difficult . Other areas had heavy tree lines . This lay out provide a haven for First Strike players or kids wanting to long ball shots .

The Game

Centered around the movie someone could image every scene being played out in live action with paintball markers . Viper and his team worked extremely hard to keep the events on topic and on time . There are 7 mission types in the event , and they all come with unique challenges and themed names like “ Fart in Their General Directions .” This mission cannot be confirming with photos .
What was captured with photos is roll players with characters like “ The Killer Bunny ” Played by Johnathon Seal or “ Tim the Enchanter ” played by Taylor Grant . People like Sean Riggs commanding Castle Anthrax and many other players acting as other roles based on the movie . Some giving out special tasks of their own . Others making up the lines and trying their best for a British accent .

Blue VS Red Team

Many teams and independent players came out to play this event . Some of the same players I saw 2 years ago came out . Some have been playing Viper ’ s events since the mid 90 ’ s . Since these events can hold 100 plus players for each side , Viper broke it down into blue and red side . Team commands are Michael “ King Cup Cake ” Quinn with red team . Leading teams Aztec Warriors in a victory over Blue team . The blue team commander leading teams like Dennis the Peasant commanded by Hal Jordan .
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