Paintball Magazine Paintball Media Magazine July 2019 | Page 91

Photo By Zac Arbuckle still going to events near each of us. Take the time to meet and greet these people, take a moment to understand the road that brought them to where they are and learn the lessons that they have to deliver. Living Legends truly delivers in the promises of Living Legends by providing opportunities for us to meet these sculptors of paintball. Day one, Saturday morning, the day all the planning comes to fruition and the hoards prepare for war, this however, is a Saturday unlike any other. This Saturday only comes once a year, this is Living Legends Saturday. It is a new year, new field and fresh new Commanders eager to dominate their opponent, eager to claim victory and the glory that lies within. The Commanders are not left to their own accord, throughout the months of planning they choose seven Legion Commanders, seven of their most trusted to help organize the masses and focus different attacks around the field. Each one of these Legion Commanders build their own teams to communicate back and forth with. The CPX production staff does not only single out the Commanders for specific missions and tasks but will also single out Legion Commanders and their legions to complete missions. The total count of players for the weekend topped 1300+ ballers ready to roll. That is 650+ warriors on each side, chanting, strategizing and focusing with bloodlust in their eyes. The CPX ref staff and the Solstice Law ref staff wait patiently for the mayhem to begin. The countdown is on, the only quiet you will ever hear on a Paintball field is just before the beginning horn, the only sound you can hear is the heartbeat of your comrades. This time not a horn but a boom to start the game, a faux pas beginning to an epic game. The boom was actually from a premature flash bang (that was not permitted in the rules of the game), but aptly timed seeing as how it was only a matter of seconds from the real start time. 091