Paintball Magazine Paintball Media Magazine July 2016 Issue | Page 62
official grand opening from a small little side project to
a full on company. At that time Aaron Fraher was talked
to about joining the company based on his years of
knowledge based on working in the paintball industry.
Coast” name, while derived from being Midwest based, is
also meant to convey that we don’t care where you’re from
or where you play, we want to bring all players together
for the greater good of the sport.
The “No Coast” program is designed to help teams get
the gear they want for prices that don’t break the bank.
We work closely with teams to match their needs and
even make completely custom pieces for them. The “No
Midwest Clothing is raffling off a Shocker Paintball RSX
marker complete with a breast cancer themed laser
engraving by Contract Killer. The winner will also receive
a Shocker Paintball prize package courtesy of professional
team Seattle Thunder as well as a full Midwest Clothing
OG Series prize package. The entire portion of profit
made from the raffle tickets sold will go to the Dr. Barabara
Bowers Oncology Fund of the Fairview Foundation, a
local charity that is devoted to helping women win their
fight against cancer by covering costs of treatments or
medicine they need. • • •
062 magazine