Paintball Magazine Paintball Media Magazine July 2016 Issue | Page 61
that he creates. John has spent a considerable amount
of time behind the needle honing his craft and ensuring
that only the highest of quality pieces leave with his stamp
of approval.
Aaron has worked in the paintball industry for over a
decade, starting from being a referee at a field working up
to a manager for two of the largest paintball companies
in Minnesota. Aaron also managed multiple social media
platforms in addition to working as a technician for
MacDev for almost 4 years developing relationships with
players from the divisional ranks all the way up to the pros
as well as with many manufacturer representatives. We
can also do 100% custom headwear.
We are currently working with a good amount of divisional
teams, a blossoming semi-pro team and also professional
teams Chicago Aftershock, TradeMyGun Outlaws and
Seattle Thunder.
Originally started in 2008 as a “little sewing project”
from a good friend of John’s named Levi Person, who
was looking to have a pair of Sandana pants cut up
and sewn into headbands as I was currently working on
other headbands and selling them online. It pretty much
evolved from there, had some more custom orders from
friends of mine and Levi’s.
The company really started gaining traction in mid 2013
when Facebook became the main source for online
paintball buy/sell/trade groups over conventional paintball
based forums. In the fall of 2013 Levi and John purchased
a large amount of Sandana Sabotage pants and started
cutting them up to help fund John’s upcoming wedding.
From there the company continued to gain a following of
loyal customers.
In November of 2015 the company was featured on the
homepage of PBNation for the announcement of our