Paintball Magazine Paintball Magazine May 2020 Issue | Page 23

Having held it, I must tell you that it’s LIGHT! I carried it around with me for a bit and everyone that saw it had to look at it. When I was photographing the Nail Gun, a crowd formed. When I was walking through the vender’s tents, people stopped me to see it. I even made sure to put it into the hands of some very famous, old school pro players and they were blown away. All eyes held a glitter of amazement when looking at this new Automag and the most used complement was the truly simple but extremely rare and heartfelt “Wow!”. I regret that I couldn’t test fire it to tell you my honest opinion about how well it shoots. A good friend of mine has offered to loan me one to try. So maybe in a future article I can give you my opinion of how it shoots. However, I will tell you that everything I have heard from people that I respect in this industry is that these new Automags shoot absolutely amazing. one of the early and truly great companies of paintball. Paintball has changed in so many new, great and exciting ways over the years. There are so many new and fantastic innovations. The quality of gear regardless of the manufacturer is outstanding. The paintball industry is in an amazing time right now, and I should know because I’ve been involved since 1989. AirGun Designs however is special. It’s “OG”. It’s still independently owned. It still makes one of the best paintball markers that you can ever throw paint with and will go toe to toe with anything out there today. AirGun Designs is proudly standing up to all the new innovations and saying, “Bring it on youngsters, I’ve got something to teach you!” Also, I must thank Bad Attitude Paintball Stands for my custom stand in Ally Remembered Foundation colours and Popular Unknown Paintball Podcast logos. Thank you, guys! I love I’m going to end this article by getting very having a custom stand for things like this! real and personal with you all. I can’t tell you how happy I am to be writing this article about 023