Paintball Magazine October 2017 Issue | Page 149

meals. I ate nothing but water, bananas and a few yogurts a day for almost the entire stay. Luckily this made life a little easier as I was absorbing all of the nutrients and calories and didn’t have to go to the bathroom more then once every 3-4 days. I could pee in bed in these cardboard banana shaped bottles meant for using while lying down. It was nice to avoid the bathroom because getting there was excruciating, and humiliating due to the help needed from nurses, many of which were my age. Beyond this, my giant swollen, burning leg hurt on the toilet seat, wheelchairs, pretty much anything but the bed and three pillows. If you’re thinking about buying a poisonous spider let me explain how dangerous this is. Venom (injected by fangs) or poison (ingested) are the two most horrifying things that can ever happen to you. Venom attacks and shuts down nearly every one of your body’s systems, your movement mechanics, nervous system, digestive system, your bloods ability to stay un-clotted… literally everything. I don’t think people quite fully understand the severity unless they go through it themselves. For the first several days I couldn’t taste or smell anything and couldn’t hear very well. I couldn’t see very well and for over half the stay if I tried to read or watch TV it would get blurry and give me a headache after five minutes. Its not like you just have a leg you can’t move in a cast like a bone break. My legs muscles, tendons and skin were pulled so tight that they were hypersensitive to any kind of movement or touch. Rolling over or having a nurse touch a spot with a finger f