Paintball Magazine October 2017 Issue | Page 148

A billing office person comes in and asks for $2000 dollars up front, which I promptly squeaked a laugh. Later another office person comes in and says she needs me to contact my team and everyone I’ve stayed with since being here and let them know to be aware of symptoms as I may be contagious. I do this but wonder why they’d have me in a shared room with several ancient people already sick and with likely no immunities. Beyond this, many things that I thought would be obvious simply were not paid attention to here. Logic was flawed and the healthcare system was awful. The UK only has four deadly spiders, two of which aren’t even able to break human skin, leaving the Black Widow and the False Recluse. The latter is similar to our Brown Recluse, a thumbnail sized, brown, woods spider that can cost you your limb or your life if unchecked. This was what bit me in the woods the first few days, and due to all the other knicks I brushed it off and didn’t even notice or see the spider. Luckily I have a large amount of dense leg muscle and so it took days to eat down to a large bloodstream and spread, but this is also why I saw no symptoms for a week. By the time it hit blood it took one night to spread into my entire leg and one day to wrap the fluids in and around all of my muscles. DAYS 1-6 The nurses have me in a room of sick, coughing people averaging the age of 90. I don’t see a single doctor any of these days. On the 3rd night one of the old men next to me died in his sleep. I couldn’t help but feel like I may have been responsible and my thoughts spiraled out of control in my insane feverish state. I may or may not have had anything to do with that but my later thoughts were how could they allow someone with my severe condition to share a room with other sick people, followed by thoughts of hopelessness and despair that were hard to fight due to talking to this guy the first few nights and then having him simply gone from life. I’m a positive person, but that will mess with your head. Let’s get back to the system that was treating me. It honestly wasn’t even the fault of the nurses, as the hospital was massive with a ton of patients, but simply understaffed. There were only a dozen or so nurses in each ward overnight. Often times I’d hit my help button to try to get water, or assistance to the bathroom and no one would come for an hour, as they had a mile long building to cross and other patients lights on for help along the way. The water tasted metallic. The food was absolutely awful even if I had an appetite. I tried to eat healthy and very little meat aside from eggs and fish and they just didn’t have that option. Everything was meat pies, pork plates, and heavy saucy bland