The full scoreboard, including the five-man were unexpected.
scores can be found here:
A shout out to the staff at GoSports for doing
another great job, although that’s nothing
new. They’ve been amazing all year.
The post-event talk regarding the World
Cup has been unanimously positive. And League President Tom Cole and the entire
everyone I talked to at the event and since staff of the NXL did a great job all season
the event raved about it. Many said it was the long and the World Cup icing on the cake
best event they’ve ever attended. I would was sweet.
agree. At more than 560 teams the turnout
was incredible; the trade show was second See you all next season!
to none; the event vibe was very reminiscent
of the best European events I’ve been to;
The location was stellar; The weather was
possibly the best ever for a World Cup; the
organization was flawless; And the games
were amazing. So many of the matches came
down to the wire and so many of the results