The Mounds Ten-Man Division debuted
at the World Cup this year and again, if
you’ve not been paying attention you have
probably missed the resurgence of ten-man
mechanical woodsball/mounds field play.
A nice handful of “classic” teams from the
past played in the Mounds Field Division,
including the All Americans, Saberwolves,
The Family and Annihilators, as well as some
of the more recent woods/mounds teams
like Fox 4Darkside and Thundercats.
It was great to see many of the past great
players playing the Mounds Field Division.
Some of the old school players on hand for
this were Todd Adamson, Tami Adamson,
Karl Poynter, Tim Jenkins, Dan “Snack”
Kerszencwejg, Dave Archibald and Eddie
056 magazine
Painter, to name a few.
The Saberwolves, a name you may know from
the 90s bested the field taking first place in
the Mounds Field Ten-Man Division. The All
Americans, Annihilators Green and Fox 4
Darkside rounded out the top four.
The Amateur Ten-Man Division saw a
surprising 35 teams entered—another great
turnout for ten-man paintball. It was T.B.L.
playing their first Amateur Ten-Man event
of the season coming out on top. T Town
Damage, Paintball Charleston and Evans
Ironmen placed second through fourth
respectively. Tsunami finished in 13th place
but walked away series champs by virtue of
their first place finish in Las Vegas.