Paintball Magazine April 2020 Issue | Page 99

This, for me, is why I’ve always been so enthusiastic about playing woodsball: on any given day all of us mere mortals have a real chance of upsetting the odds and beating the top teams. This is one of the main reasons why the classic movement has been so successful since its introduction a few years ago and has continued to grow to the place it is now. You are less reliant on shooting a box of paint across a lane for the whole game and back to the true roots of the game where you rely on teamwork and, above all else, field craft. You can even on a good day beat a whole division of teams with electronic markers with a mechanical marker and good field craft - trust me we achieved this just the other week. One last note, before anyone jumps to the wrong conclusion and accuses me of being an Airball hater: I’m certainly not. Anybody that plays paintball is a friend to me but it’s about time we have a distinct separation between Airball and woods ball but hey that’s another article. God bless all of you and catch you all next month! Marcus Captain, UK Predators Woodsball, the Field Of Dreams 099