Pageant Platform Magazine May June 2020 PPM.May.June | Page 2
Letter from Kerry
Greetings everyone!
In This Issue
3 ................................... Platform Spotlights
5 ................................... Defining Talent
Greetings everyone! I know this has been
7 ................................... Pageantry 101
a tumultuous time in the Pageant Indus-
try. Covid-19 has certainly left many
8 ................................... Pageant Directory
canceled pageants this spring and falling
into summer. We have seen tough times
before; I am confident that all our Pag-
eant Peeps will see this crisis through.
As we have expressed a few times over
the past few weeks, we are hopeful that
all of you have continued to practice your
Interview, Walk and Talent. If you are a
member of Pageant Platform Magazine,
we hope you are taking advantage of the
group training that is hosted virtually to
keep your skill set sharp. Our Pageant
System, Elite is taking off and there’s
room for many more local contestants.
Visit our site for more details and to sign
In light of Covid-19, our March/April is-
sued was pulled and re-branded for May/
June. This issue features an interview
with Rachel Barcellona. We hope you en-
joy this issue and continue to stay safe.
Kerry Kathleen Heaps, Editor