antispasmodic (relieves cramps
& muscle spasms), diuretic.
Great herb to use with fish reci-
Lavender: Purification, love,
psychic awareness, relaxation,
friendship, antidepressant, an-
Lemon Balm: Healing, love,
success, soothing effect on the
nervous system, alleviates sto-
mach gas and cramps, relaxes
blood vessels.
Marjoram: Love, protection,
wealth, inner strength, psy-
cho-emotional benefits, seda-
tive, antiseptic, gastritis, stiff
Mint: Prosperity, protection, hea-
ling relationships, antispasmodic
(relieves cramps & muscle spas-
ms), nausea and migraine relief
and depending on which variety
you use, it can help with dandru-
ff, anxiety, shock and be used as
a cold remedy. This herb comes
in over 600 varieties throughout
the world, including chocolate.
Oregano: Health, happiness,
astral projection, stimulate cir-
culation, antiseptic, alieves indi-
Rosemary: Healing, love, purifi-
cation, protection, promotes liver
function and digestion, useful on
bruises, wounds, and eczema.
Sage: Wisdom, cleansing, pro-
tection, antihydrotic (reduces
sweating), antispasmodic (relie-
ves cramps & muscle spasms),
astringent, anti-depressant.
Tarragon: Self-confidence, diu-
retic, emmenagogue (stimulate
blood flow in the pelvic area and
uterus), promotes sleep, and sti-
mulates gastric activity.
Thyme: Sleep, courage, promo-
tes good health, wards negati-
vity, anthelmintic (used against
parasitic worm infections found
in humans & animals), antispas-
modic (relieves cramps & muscle
spasms), carminative (prevents
& relieves flatulence), diapho-
retic (promotes sweating), ex-
pectorant (promotes drainage
of mucus from the lungs), and
sedative. Thyme is great in a
variety of dishes, including: sa-
lads, soups, chowders, sauces,
breads, vegetable, meat dishes,
jellies, and desserts.
Final Thought
Summer is here! The possibi-
lities are endless. If gardening
isn’t your thing, then this may be
the year that you try your hand
at sewing and make your own
cloaks or alter clothes. Most Pa-
gans are very crafty people and
if you ask around, there’s usually
someone within the communi-
ty that would be willing to teach
you, you just need to ask. The
same goes for wand making,
candle making, and brewing.
Herbs need full sun for best The best way to find these won-
performance; at least 8 hours derful people is to start partici-
of sunlight. Avoid the fertilizer; pating in public events, going to
most herbs will give you more festivals, taking classes at your
fragrance and flavor if they’re local witch school, and/or at-
grown in lean soil. Water wisely; tending CUUPS meetings. The
most herbs prefer dry conditions, point is, make yourself availa-
but some need more moisture ble, think about what you would
depending on the container you like to accomplish this year and
used. Please remember, before ask for assistance. The key is to
undertaking any course of treat- pick one or two projects that you
ment, check with your physician can really focus on and learn
or other healthcare provider.
well. Engage with YOUR com-
munity and don’t forget to have
fun in the process. Brightest of