carry you through this year. So, that is
where we’ll start, stocking your magickal
Your Cupboard Runneth Over
The first step to stocking your magickal cabinet is to take
inventory of what you already have and what you need
to replenish. Below is a basic list of supplies that may be
in your cabinet:
So, what should be in your Magickal Cu-
pboard? Well, that depends on what your
primary focus may be. Some folks are
Altar Clothes: simple colors to coordinate with the Sab-
lucky enough to have one room dedica-
bots or seasons.
ted to storing all
of their magickal
What should be in your Magickal
Candles & Holders:
goods and don’t
mini candles or tea li-
necessarily have
Cupboard? Well, that depends on what
ghts in primary colors
to consider spa-
your primary focus may be.
work great.
ce issues or wor-
king a magickal
Bell, incense burner
cabinet into their home’s general decor.
and/or charcoal burner, incense, candle snuffer, athame,
If you don’t have a designated cabinet,
boline, wand, goblet/cup, pentacle, cauldron and com-
then maybe this is the year you get one or
build one. There’s a wide variety of items
that you can use to create your magickal
Small bowls for salt, water, earth, herbs and offerings.
cabinet. I have used storage trunks in the
Crystals, colored ribbons, yarn, river stones, acorns, sea
past, which now specifically house cand-
shells, other decorative items found in nature.
le and jewelry making supplies. Small
coat closets, hat boxes, armoires, enter-
Statuary items, divination items, musical items, and ritual
tainment centers, jewelry boxes, and just
about anything you can display stuff on or
in can be effective. In the end, it’s really
13 Triple Duty Herbs
about preference, space and what your
primary focus is that will determine what
When it comes to herbs, there are a few that seem to
type of unit you use to house your sacred
be used on a regular basis and you may want to consi-
items. I tend to be a person that compart-
der trying your hand at gardening this year. I find that I
mentalizes and as such, I have various
personally use a lot of rosemary, lavender, peppermint,
sections throughout my home that house
and sage; all of which can be grown fairly easily, even for
items. I have an armoire that I store my
those of us who are green thumb challenged. Below is a
main ritual tools and divination items in.
list of 13 herbs that are suitable for container gardening.
In addition, I built a shelving unit to house
In addition, these herbs can be used in culinary, homeo-
my herbal/tea collection and a separate
pathic and magickal applications:
unit to house my magickal library. You’ll
want to consider an area of your home
Basil: Prosperity, good luck, repels negativity, natural
that you can dedicate to organizing your
tranquilizer, aids in concentration, helpful for headaches
magickal items and make a list of those
and digestive issues. This herb comes in dozens of fla-
things that you wish to add to your co-
vors to include: sweet, citrus, and spicy varieties.
llection. Consider what items you would
Chives: Protection, breaking bad habits, stimulates
like to make yourself, which items you
appetite, promotes digestion.
can procure from your artistic friends, and
Cilantro: Health, joint relief, antispasmodic (relieves
which items you may need to purchase at
cramps & muscle spasms).
your local apothecary or witch store.
Dill: Security, money, overcoming obstacles, protection,
Pagan Living Magazine Litha 2017