Pack Your Bags Jesus is Coming | Page 59

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The Rapture

TL ►ctt ~ IZS N Ike story 4 S ~ epIAeK ' s deo ~ - ~ I ,

Ms Pace kilk as ke 0 * 1- -h I MVM is

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Christ ' s love and respect for those who believe in Him can been demonstrated from the Bible . In Acts chapter 7 there is an amazing story about a man named Stephen . Stephen loved Christ deeply and was bold in telling others about Jesus . The Bible tells us that he was preaching to a large crowd of people who were hostile about Jesus . This crowd became so vicious and angry at Stephen , they stoned him to death . Just before his stoning , Stephen saw something truly amazing :

Acts 7:54-56 ( NIV )
54 ) " When they heard this , they were furious and gnashed their teeth at him . 55 ) But Stephen , full of the Holy Spirit , looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God , and Jesus standing at the right hand of God . 56 ) ' Look ,' he said , `I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God ! "

[ Tmawo WM 1k Bible uslw resew Ow t sh as ' s i - ' A * e n 6 of ~


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What did Stephen see as he looked into the heavens .

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St owf Q + love & A rispect s { 7l aim f o

'" Billy C- TAANK ' WS For Ni s Wi fe !


Stephen saw Jesus standing at the right hand of God . Yet the Bible seems to describe Jesus as normally sitting at the right hand of God . Evidently Jesus was so moved because of Stephen ' s love for Him that He stood to receive him as he came into eternity . Christ will not simply stand to receive His followers at the time of the Rapture . He will come down from heaven to meet them in the air . What a thrilling moment that will be for all the Christians who are alive at that moment .